Vol 15 Page xiii

List of Abbreviations

art. -- article
b. -- born
B.C.W. -- Blavatsky Collected Writings
Bibliog. -- Bibliography
Bio-bibliog.-- Bio-Bibliography
C. -- century
ca. -- circa; about
Chin. -- Chinese
cp. -- compared
d. -- died
diag. -- diagram
ed. -- Editor
E.S. -- Esoteric Section
et al -- and others
et seq. -- and the following
facs. -- facsimile
ff. -- and following
fig. -- figure
fl. -- flourished
fn. -- footnote
Fr. -- French
Gk. -- Greek
Heb. -- Hebrew
H.P.B. -- Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
H.S.O. -- Henry Steele Olcott
Mong. -- Mongolian
MS., MSS. --manuscript(s)
n. -- note
N.T. -- New Testament
O.T. -- Old Testament
pl. -- plate
pseud. -- pseudonym
q. -- quote
r. --reigned
Rev. -- Reverend
rf. -- reference
S.D. -- The Secret Doctrine
Sk. -- Sanskrit
St. -- Saint
Tib. -- Tibetan
t. -- tome (French)
tr. -- translated, translator, translation
T.S. -- Theosophical Society
Vol. -- Volume
vs. -- versus, against
yr. -- year